Pink Carnation
This flower was in a group from some birthday flowers – tried a few macro shots on them and got some really nice results. I decided I wanted to go through some of my brushes and pick some specialty mixers for painting. Most of the brushes were from Fay Sirkis, a Corel Painter Master. If you have a chance to get hold of some of her mixer brushes, they are still some of the best around even though they are older. Photoshop has not updated their actual brush engine except for the Smoothing section in many years so they work just fine. Her Four Seasons brushes, which is a really good set, can still be downloaded at KelbyOne if you are a member – just do a search for Fay and several webinars will appear with the brushes as a download set. A Curves Adjustment Layer was added along with French Kiss Feb 2018 Bonus texture (she give out many goodies during the year in her E-mails and this was one – website link is in sidebar). A Red Channel Luminosity Curves Adjustment Layer was applied (see my How to Use a Red Channel to Create a Nice Blended Image Effect blog) see my and one of my frame layer styles was added (see my How to Create a Quick Layer Style Border or Frame blog). I love some of the nice effects these brushes gave – not bad for Photoshop!…..Digital Lady Syd