Had a fabulous time converting a beautiful black and white image of Hotel Gregorian’s cafe from Shorpy.com into a colorized image. I just used my original Topaz (see sidebar for website link) Studio 2 “Look” I created to do this sort of thing called SJ BW to Painted Color. It did not even require any adjusting which really surprised me. (For the Topaz settings, see my How to Convert Black and White Images to Colorful Paintings with Topaz Studio 2 blog with them all listed.) This layer was set to 77% layer opacity and then localized sharpening was done using a gray layer following Blake Rudis’s Sharpen Photos like a Pro! video. (I use this workflow so much I actually created an action for the High Pass technique.) A little clean up and that was about it. What a gorgeous image – I wish I could have breakfast there!…..Digital Lady Syd