Just had fun with this one mainly trying out different brushes to see what would happen. The really cool texture effect for the orange buildings came from Kyle T. Webster’s Winter 2022 set – using the Winter BG Variant on the orange buildings. In the Spring 2022 set from Kyle, The Marshall was used to create the bridge and The Marshall Var was used to create the white church building. The Tilty Pencil Soft and the Tilty Pencil Variant were used to create a few of the black sketch lines in the image. In the 2022 Spring Set Tree Leaf Mess Alt and Fresh Leaf were used to create the leaves in the tree and plant. Just used a pencil brush I created to paint the Boat and Gondolier – pretty rough sketching here. Three textures were used: Kim Klasson’s Womandweathered (Soft Light blend mode at 50% opacity), 2 Lil’ Owls Mosaic Set Celeste (Linear Burn blend mode at 23% opacity), and Adobe Paper Texture Pro Villa Adriana (Overlay blend mode at 40% opacity). Had to blend out some of the shadows with a Mixer blender brush. That meant I had to go into the Camera Raw Filter and add some grain in so it did not look too smooth. Overall it was cool to try out some of the new brushes. ….. Digital Lady Syd